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Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of NJLESA.

In order to become an active member, three things are needed:

1. You must fill out a new membership application form and pay the fee (Click Here for New Membership Application).

2. You must fill out a payroll deduction card (Click Here for a Payroll Deduction Card, turn it to your payroll department, have it time/date stamped, make a copy, and give it to the IVP.

3. Once your application is Filled Out, Paid For, and Dues are coming out of your check. Your application will then be voted on for approval at the next general membership meeting.

Once all three of those things are completed you will then become an active member of NJLESA.

In order to become an active retiree, two things are needed:

1. For New Retirees or Retiree Renwals you have to fill out a New Retiree Application (Click Here for New Retiree Applicaiton) or

Retiree Renewal Applicaiton (Click Here for Retiree Renewal Applicaiton) and pay associated fee.

2. Once the applicaiton is filled out and the fee paid, your application will then be voted on for approval at the next general membership meeting.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of NJLESA. In order to become an active member you will need to do three things: 1. You must fill out a new membership application form and pay the fee (Link below). 2. You must fill out a payroll deduction card and hand it into your payroll department (see your IVP or HR for a payroll deduction card). 3.

Page Last Updated: Sep 16, 2022 (07:28:00)
New Jersey Law Enforcement Supervisors Association
201 Delaware Avenue
Roebling, NJ 08554

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